Permanent Education in Health

Permanent Education in Health

Permanent Education in Health

The concern with strengthening the brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) goes beyond the physical structure of the Santos Dumont Institute (ISD). Aiming to develop permanent education actions With the objective of developing permanent education actions directed at health professionals, the Institute signed agreements with city halls of municipalities that are part of the 7th Health Region of Rio Grande do Norte, covering the cities of Macaíba, São Gonçalo do Amarante and Extremoz.


In 2021, ISD professionals presented and discussed theorerical contents and exchanged experiences with health workers and professionals from different areas linked to the units of the Family Health Strategy Program, Municipal Departments and state agencies.

The schedule of activities includes debates and clinical case studies related to the Health of the Person with Disabilities, with topics such as: Ableism, Care Network for Persons with Disabilities; and also related to Women’s Health, where issues such as teenage pregnancy, family planning and the child’s health book are discussed. In addition to Continuing Education activities, there is also a specific training for the the Sexual Violence Network for professionals in Macaíba.

The courses are taught by Multiprofessional Preceptors or Doctors who work at Anita, and also include the participation of residents of the Multiprofessional Residency Program in Health Care for People with Disabilities.

Last meeting of 2021 with nurses from Macaíba to jointly define the themes of continuing education actions for 2022.

The improvement is aimed at nurses as they are full-time in the Health Units and know the patients in depth, as well as the community in general. Success in good follow-up and care depends a lot on the vision of these nurses, who are the gateway to the network for the necessary services.

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