ISD promotes educational action on auditory and visual rehabilitation for community health agents in Macaíba

Posted in June 7, 2023

The Santos Dumont Institute (ISD) received, this Wednesday, June 7, around 70 community health agents from Macaíba (RN), for a training session on hearing and visual health. The action aimed to sensitize health agents to the recognition of people who can be referred for auditory or visual rehabilitation, in order to promote improvements in their quality of life. 


“Health agents have a strong bond with the community. They are key professionals to recognize and optimize the qualified referral of the patient to the Health Care Network for Persons with Disabilities”, highlighted the Coordinator of Health Teaching Activities at ISD, Samantha Maranhão. 


The activities were conducted by preceptors of the lines of care in auditory rehabilitation and people with visual impairment, in addition to residents in the health care of people with disabilities at the ISD. This week, health agents who work in the urban area of the municipality of Macaíba visited the ISD. Community agents working in rural areas will also undergo the educational action the following week. 


“This partnership with the ISD is of paramount importance, assuming that we are in the same municipality and can provide much better assistance to our citizens, who are in great need of specialized assistance. We are together to do an even better job”, said the Assistant Secretary of Health of Macaíba, William Cordeiro. 


For the Coordinator of Community Health Agents, Janiere Pereira, educational activities aimed at raising awareness of potential problems are of great importance for the category, which is in direct and permanent contact with the community, being able to identify its main needs. “The community agents know their territories well, so investing in the training of health agents is to have, in return, a much more structured Primary Care”, said Janiere. 



The Santos Dumont Institute is a Social Organization linked to the Ministry of Education (MEC) and includes the Edmond and Lily Safra International Neuroscience Institute and the Anita Garibaldi Health Education and Research Center, both in Macaíba. ISD's mission is to promote education for life, forming citizens through integrated teaching, research and extension actions, in addition to contributing to a fairer and more humane transformation of Brazilian social reality.

Communication Office
(84) 99416-1880

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ISD promotes educational action on auditory and visual rehabilitation for community health agents in Macaíba

The Santos Dumont Institute (ISD) received, this Wednesday, June 7, around 70 community health agents from Macaíba (RN), for a training session on hearing and visual health. The action aimed to sensitize health agents to the recognition of people who can be referred for auditory or visual rehabilitation, in order to promote improvements in their quality of life. 


“Health agents have a strong bond with the community. They are key professionals to recognize and optimize the qualified referral of the patient to the Health Care Network for Persons with Disabilities”, highlighted the Coordinator of Health Teaching Activities at ISD, Samantha Maranhão. 


The activities were conducted by preceptors of the lines of care in auditory rehabilitation and people with visual impairment, in addition to residents in the health care of people with disabilities at the ISD. This week, health agents who work in the urban area of the municipality of Macaíba visited the ISD. Community agents working in rural areas will also undergo the educational action the following week. 


“This partnership with the ISD is of paramount importance, assuming that we are in the same municipality and can provide much better assistance to our citizens, who are in great need of specialized assistance. We are together to do an even better job”, said the Assistant Secretary of Health of Macaíba, William Cordeiro. 


For the Coordinator of Community Health Agents, Janiere Pereira, educational activities aimed at raising awareness of potential problems are of great importance for the category, which is in direct and permanent contact with the community, being able to identify its main needs. “The community agents know their territories well, so investing in the training of health agents is to have, in return, a much more structured Primary Care”, said Janiere. 



The Santos Dumont Institute is a Social Organization linked to the Ministry of Education (MEC) and includes the Edmond and Lily Safra International Neuroscience Institute and the Anita Garibaldi Health Education and Research Center, both in Macaíba. ISD's mission is to promote education for life, forming citizens through integrated teaching, research and extension actions, in addition to contributing to a fairer and more humane transformation of Brazilian social reality.

Communication Office
(84) 99416-1880

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