IIN-ELS Master in Neuroengineering – Selection Result 2017.2

Posted in June 19, 2017

The Selection Committee of the Graduate Program (PPG) in Neuroengineering of the Edmond and Lily Safra International Institute of Neuroscience (IIN-ELS) completed the second stage of the 2017.2 Selection Process for the master's degree and based on the evaluation criteria provided for in the respective notice, selected the following students:

. Ana Cecília Sá Fernandes (UFRN)

. Kim Mansur Yano (UFRN)

. Eric Gabriel Oliveira Rodrigues (UnP)

. Amauri Marcos Costa de Morais Junior (UFRN)

. Alice de Oliveira Barreto Suassuna (UFRN)

. Felipe Alves Araujo (UFPB)

. William Barela Costa (UFRJ)

. Danielly Carla Silva Miranda (UnP)

. Wesley Eunathan Fernandes Lima (UnP)

. Alisson de Oliveira Alves (UERN)

. Valton da Silva Costa (Estacio FATERN)

. Rafaela Jordania de Medeiros (UFRN)

. Severino Peixoto Nunes Netto (UFRN)

. Jusciele Bezerra Araújo (UFRN)

. Thaísa Lucas Filgueira Souza Dantas (UnP)

. Beatriz Carvalho Frota (UNINOVAFAPI)

Watch the welcome video for new students!


Those selected must pre-register between June 26th and 30th and will be informed of the procedures by email. Enrollment will be done in person during the first week of classes, which begin on August 1st.

The course is free and offers activities at its facilities in Macaíba, in Rio Grande do Norte, which is 14 kilometers from the Potiguar capital. Students can count on free transportation between Natal and the Institute's headquarters.

This is the seventh call from the IIN-ELS for graduates in the areas of health sciences or engineering who are interested in deepening their knowledge in the field of Neuroengineering.

Neuroengineering is an interdisciplinary research area that brings together neuroscience and engineering methods to study the functioning of the nervous system and develop solutions for limitations and dysfunctions associated with it.


Unique in Brazil

The IIN-ELS is a pioneer in offering, since 2013, the first Master's course in Neuroengineering in Brazil, certified by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES).


Research Lines of the IIN-ELS PPG

The Graduate Program in Neuroengineering at IIN-ELS has two lines of research: Brain-Machine Interface (BMI), which is an area whose objective is to establish direct communication between the nervous system and robotic, electronic or computational artifacts through the use of neurophysiological signals and brain micro-stimulation. The development of ICM has great therapeutic and technological potential for a variety of neurological disorders that dramatically affect motor function, such as paralysis, Parkinson's disease and stroke.
The other line of research is Neuromodulation, which consists of modifications in order to restore, modulate, inhibit or increase functions of the nervous system. It can be performed non-invasively, through transcranial stimulation by electric current or transcranial magnetic stimulation; or invasively, by implanting devices in the central or peripheral nervous system, which release a chemical, biological or physical agent. Neuromodulation has currently been used to treat motor symptoms of Parkinson's and essential tremor, Tourette's syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder, chronic pain, depression, Alzheimer's and cerebral coma, but there are still countless possibilities for research and technological development.

More information about the IIN-ELS, CLICK HERE

Text and photo: Ariane Mondo / Ascom – ISD

Communication Office
(84) 99416-1880

Santos Dumont Institute (ISD)

Social organization that maintains ties with the Ministry of Education (MEC) and whose mission is to promote education for life, forming citizens through integrated teaching, research and extension actions and to contribute to a fairer and more humane transformation of the Brazilian social reality.

Communication Office
(84) 99416-1880

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IIN-ELS Master in Neuroengineering – Selection Result 2017.2

The Selection Committee of the Graduate Program (PPG) in Neuroengineering of the Edmond and Lily Safra International Institute of Neuroscience (IIN-ELS) completed the second stage of the 2017.2 Selection Process for the master's degree and based on the evaluation criteria provided for in the respective notice, selected the following students:

. Ana Cecília Sá Fernandes (UFRN)

. Kim Mansur Yano (UFRN)

. Eric Gabriel Oliveira Rodrigues (UnP)

. Amauri Marcos Costa de Morais Junior (UFRN)

. Alice de Oliveira Barreto Suassuna (UFRN)

. Felipe Alves Araujo (UFPB)

. William Barela Costa (UFRJ)

. Danielly Carla Silva Miranda (UnP)

. Wesley Eunathan Fernandes Lima (UnP)

. Alisson de Oliveira Alves (UERN)

. Valton da Silva Costa (Estacio FATERN)

. Rafaela Jordania de Medeiros (UFRN)

. Severino Peixoto Nunes Netto (UFRN)

. Jusciele Bezerra Araújo (UFRN)

. Thaísa Lucas Filgueira Souza Dantas (UnP)

. Beatriz Carvalho Frota (UNINOVAFAPI)

Watch the welcome video for new students!


Those selected must pre-register between June 26th and 30th and will be informed of the procedures by email. Enrollment will be done in person during the first week of classes, which begin on August 1st.

The course is free and offers activities at its facilities in Macaíba, in Rio Grande do Norte, which is 14 kilometers from the Potiguar capital. Students can count on free transportation between Natal and the Institute's headquarters.

This is the seventh call from the IIN-ELS for graduates in the areas of health sciences or engineering who are interested in deepening their knowledge in the field of Neuroengineering.

Neuroengineering is an interdisciplinary research area that brings together neuroscience and engineering methods to study the functioning of the nervous system and develop solutions for limitations and dysfunctions associated with it.


Unique in Brazil

The IIN-ELS is a pioneer in offering, since 2013, the first Master's course in Neuroengineering in Brazil, certified by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES).


Research Lines of the IIN-ELS PPG

The Graduate Program in Neuroengineering at IIN-ELS has two lines of research: Brain-Machine Interface (BMI), which is an area whose objective is to establish direct communication between the nervous system and robotic, electronic or computational artifacts through the use of neurophysiological signals and brain micro-stimulation. The development of ICM has great therapeutic and technological potential for a variety of neurological disorders that dramatically affect motor function, such as paralysis, Parkinson's disease and stroke.
The other line of research is Neuromodulation, which consists of modifications in order to restore, modulate, inhibit or increase functions of the nervous system. It can be performed non-invasively, through transcranial stimulation by electric current or transcranial magnetic stimulation; or invasively, by implanting devices in the central or peripheral nervous system, which release a chemical, biological or physical agent. Neuromodulation has currently been used to treat motor symptoms of Parkinson's and essential tremor, Tourette's syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder, chronic pain, depression, Alzheimer's and cerebral coma, but there are still countless possibilities for research and technological development.

More information about the IIN-ELS, CLICK HERE

Text and photo: Ariane Mondo / Ascom – ISD

Communication Office
(84) 99416-1880

Santos Dumont Institute (ISD)

Social organization that maintains ties with the Ministry of Education (MEC) and whose mission is to promote education for life, forming citizens through integrated teaching, research and extension actions and to contribute to a fairer and more humane transformation of the Brazilian social reality.

Communication Office
(84) 99416-1880

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