course curriculum

course curriculum

course curriculum


The Master's Program in Neuroengineering from the Santos Dumont Institute has mandatory and optional subjects in it's curriculum, that aim to form professionals who are capable of navigating thorough the areas of engineering and neurosciences. The curriculum structure was designed to overcome the barriers that exist in the undergraduate programs in applied sciences, biomedical sciences and human sciences. All subjects and respective programs are available at the Sucupira platform, in Portuguese (to access, please select “Higher Education Institution: 33280010 – Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa Alberto Santos Dumont / Program: Neuroengenharia – 33280010001P2“)


mandatory subjects

Transduction and Processing of Biological Signals

Hours: 60 hours
Total Credits: 4
Offer: Annual (2nd semester)


Hours: 60 hours
Total Credits: 4
Offer: Annual (1st semester)


Hours: 60 hours
Total Credits: 4
Offer: Annual (1st semester).

Fundamentals of Programming and Project Development applied to Neuroengineering

Hours: 60 hours
Total Credits: 4
Offer: Annual (2nd semester)

Optional subjects

Brain-Machine Interface

Hours: 60 hours
Total Credits: 4
Offer: Annual (1st semester)


Hours: 60 hours
Total Credits: 4
Offer: Annual (2nd semester)

Education for Global Citizenship

Hours: 60 hours
Total Credits: 4


Hours: 30 hours
Total Credits: 2
Offer: Biennial (1st semester)


Hours: 45 hours
Total Credits: 3
Offer: Annual (1st semester)


Hours: 30 hours
Total Credits: 2
Offer: Biennial (2nd semester)

Didactics and Scientific Methodology

Hours: 45 hours
Total Credits: 3
Offer: Annual (2nd semester)

Fundamentals of Neuroimmunology applied to Neuroengineering

Hours: 45 hours
Total Credits: 3
Offer: Annual (2nd semester)

Innovation in Assistive Technology

Hours: 30 hours
Total Credits: 2
Offer: Biennial (2nd semester)


Hours: 30h Total
Credits: 2
Offer: Semiannual

Topics in Neuroscience and Neuroengineering

Hours: 30h Total
Credits: 2
Offer: Semiannual

Introduction to Machine Learning
Hours: 45 hours
Total Credits: 3
Offer: Biennial (1st semester)

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Hours: 30 hours
Credits: 2

Analysis of histological images

Hours: 30 hours
Credits: 2

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